Learn to create successful music businesses
We love what we do. And we could do it forever if we wanted to.
Music is a passion that gives life to not only us teachers, but our students' lives. We understand the importance that music education brings to our students, and we'll work tirelessly to achieve that vision.
But we're humans. We're not perfect and we mess up.
With the current situation of COVID-19, most music teachers have had to move their instruction online. With frustrations with new technology, new teaching methods, or losing students and income, being a music teacher can be very stressful in a time like this.
Whether you're just starting your music teaching business or have been teaching for over 30 years, teaching private lessons or in a public school setting, work with young students or adult students, we've all experienced stress in our workplace. If untreated, that stress can lead to teacher burnout.
If you've experienced or are currently experiencing any form of burnout, read...
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