Music Teaching Business Blog

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Growing your 6-figure music school with ease starts with THISā€¦

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2024

Growing your 6-figure music school with ease starts with THIS…


Being the music school owner, you're having calls every week with your potential students.


Listening to their challenges and goals for themselves.


And when it finally comes down to sign up, they say the dreaded words:


"I really like you, but I think I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing for a bit and I'll reach back out in a few months."


But what would be going on in your head if a student believed they could get better on their own?


"If they were struggling for the past year, how are they supposed to suddenly improve without my help?"


"I can't let them keep up the same bad habits they learned from their other teacher."


"They're just going to be in the same place months from now. I need to help them asap."


You have the obligation to lead and serve that student towards their goal.


And learning from you is the best path to achieving their...

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How Barb Went From Working For A Studio To Starting Her Own Business From Scratch (And Has Already Gotten Her First Student)

When Barb reached out to me, she was working at a local music studio and needed more students.
She felt like she wasn’t making the amount of money she deserved and couldn’t teach the way she wanted to.
But more importantly, she couldn’t live the life she wanted and felt like she didn’t have the confidence to find her own students and take action.
After she joined the Music Business Developer program, she has the ability to choose when she works, who she works with, and how much she gets paid.
In fact, she’s already gotten her first student within the first week of launching her new studio!
Watch the interview above to see how Barb was able to start her studio and has already gotten her first students in her first week!

Here's what we cover in the interview:

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How Andrew Has Kept A 100% Retention Rate Going Into His Next Term! - Music Business Developer Program Review


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing my Music Business Developer Program Student & Client, Andrew, on how he successfully kept a 100% retention rate for his studio going into his next term!

Additionally, Andrew has gained five new students within the first few weeks of working with me, and was recently able to offer a scholarship to one of his most exceptional students.

Andrew is private music studio teacher, and joined the Music Business Developer Program in order to get more students, make more money, and gain the confidence to control his business!

Watch the interview above on how Andrew became a Music Business Developer and now crushes it at running his music studio!

Here's what we cover in the interview:

  • How Andrew went from losing 11 students and feeling uncertain about his studio to gaining the confidence to bring back students while gaining more in the process.
  • How Andrew found the Music Business Developer Program.
  • ...
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How To Avoid Teacher Burnout | The Ultimate Guide

mindset teacher burnout May 05, 2020

We love what we do. And we could do it forever if we wanted to.

Music is a passion that gives life to not only us teachers, but our students' lives. We understand the importance that music education brings to our students, and we'll work tirelessly to achieve that vision.

But we're humans. We're not perfect and we mess up.

With the current situation of COVID-19, most music teachers have had to move their instruction online. With frustrations with new technology, new teaching methods, or losing students and income, being a music teacher can be very stressful in a time like this.

Whether you're just starting your music teaching business or have been teaching for over 30 years, teaching private lessons or in a public school setting, work with young students or adult students, we've all experienced stress in our workplace. If untreated, that stress can lead to teacher burnout.

If you've experienced or are currently experiencing any form of burnout, read...

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Online Music Lessons Are The Future. Hereā€™s Why.

online lessons Apr 06, 2020

If you were offering online music lessons 10-15 years ago, people would’ve thought you were crazy. They would’ve said “There’s no way you can teach music the way it should be through a video.” And they’re right. There’s no way it could’ve been done at that time.

But with the current situation of COVID-19, music teachers around the world have been relying on online music lessons. Chances are you're currently teaching music online as well. You might even consider continuing online lessons in your studio.

While some hate it, others love it. The world will certainly not be the same after this crisis. People will have to pivot and adapt their business models in order to survive. And after society settles down, we will be seeing more music studios offering online lessons. 

However, one secret has emerged from this. Online music lessons are the future.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy Online Music Lessons Are The Future. Here's...

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5 Essential Things For Starting A Music Teaching Business

There are many reasons why people want to start their own music teaching business. People who get degrees in music use their education to teach anyone from a beginner to advanced student. Others who just enjoy playing music may want to make some extra cash on the side. Whether your background ranges from a novice to experienced musician, creating a music teaching business can be a daunting challenge for many. 

If you’re serious about making money from your music teaching business, here are the five essential things you will need:


The very first thing a potential student will see is your studio name. While it’s not too important what your studio name is exactly, it is important that your studio name aligns with you as a teacher. 

Along with your name comes your studio message, statement, or slogan. Now THIS should be the important part of your branding. You could almost think of it like you’re speaking to your ideal students. Focus on making...

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